Students can work on their study projects with us at the Chair in Business Administration, especially Information and Service Systems as a part of their Master’s and Bachelor’s studies. We focus on the development and management of data-driven services as well as the use of artificial intelligence methods in areas such as industrial manufacturing, healthcare, wellness, and sports, among others. In cooperation with leading research and industry partners, this research is conducted in both fundamental and applied research projects. The research results are applied and validated in industrial projects of the Smart Service Engineering (SSE) research department at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). The project topics for the study projects are taken from the projects of DFKI, which makes it possible for the students to experience the real business atmosphere and gain practical insights.


Professor and chair holder

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Maaß

Senior Researcher

Dr.-Ing. Sabine Janzen

Research Assistant

Hannah Stein

Research Assistant

Maxx Richard Rahman

Student Assistant

Prajvi Saxena

Research Assistant

Anna-Maria Hickmann

Professor and chair holder

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Maaß

Wolfgang Maaß is professor in Business Informatics at Saarland University, scientific director at Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), and adjunct professor Stony Brook University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine, NY.

Fore more details, click here

Senior Researcher

Dr.-Ing. Sabine Janzen

Field of Research:

Service & AI Engineering

Intelligent user interfaces, esp. communication in conflict situations / crisis

Responsible AI

Research Assistant

Hannah Stein

Field of Research:

Data Valuation and Monetization

Data Quality in Companies and Data Ecosystems

Data Ecosystem Design

Research Assistant

Maxx Richard Rahman

Field of Research:

AI in Sports

Generative Models

ML in Doping Science

Quantum Machine Learning

Smart Dreaming with AI

Student Assistant

Prajvi Saxena

Research Assistant

Anna-Maria Hickmann


To apply for a project work with us, you have to fill out the form below. Please provide links to your transcript of records as well as your CV. After you have submitted your application, we will review the application and decide wether we have a fitting topic. In case of an acceptance, the supervisor will contact you in order to set up an initial meeting to discuss the topic.