Future Data Assets

Funds: Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy (BMWi)

Project Duration: August 2019 – July 2022 (36 Months)

Press reports
Künstliche Intelligenz: Wert der Daten sichtbar machen VDI Nachrichten, 11.12.2019
Industry 4.0: companies still leave a lot of potential finanzen.de , 03.03.2020

Project Description
The objective of the project is the development and instantiation of a data balance. The data balance should serve to report the entrepreneurial ability of data management and thus close a gap with regard to classical reporting. The data balance as a reporting instrument should have two central features: a. Data balance management report (character-oriented to the past): Within the data balance, data stocks of a company for a certain period in the past are shown. b. Data balance forecast report (future-oriented character): Application of machine learning methods is investigated, which provide information about potential, future data management of a company.

Consortium Leader

Project Partners

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